

It is important to keep your tattoo clean. Always wash your hands before tending to your fresh tattoo. Remember - it’s an open wound and can become infected if bacteria is introduced!

As soon as the bandage is removed, wash your tattoo with dye and fragrance-free soap. Pat it dry with a clean towel. Continue to wash your tattoo two to three times daily until it is fully healed. A water-based, unscented moisturizer can be applied when the tattoo begins to dry out, generally around day three. Flaking away of the damaged skin is normal. It will be itchy at this point but it is essential that you do not scratch or pick at it. This can lead to loss of pigment and infection.

Do not go swimming for two weeks, and protect your healing tattoo from sun exposure. Do not use a tanning bed. UV will fade your tattoo. Once your tattoo is healed, it is a good idea to use SPF forever.

If you have been bandaged with a Hypafix/Second Skin bandage, it can stay in place for several days, after which time you should proceed with the above aftercare.

If you suspect you’ve developed an infection during the healing process, reach out to your artist. They can help you determine whether what you’re seeing is part of the normal healing process or if you should be contacting your healthcare provider.